Do you have a child who resists change when it comes to their sleep schedule? Traveling, going off track etc...
Or perhaps you have anxiety about throwing them off of their schedule because you have worked so hard on establishing healthy sleep and don't want to go back to the beginning!
One of the reasons why we work on sleep is so that we CAN enjoy some of life's fun moments. Going on a day trip. going to a cottage, going to birthday parties, playdates and more.
At the beginning of this off track sleep, your little one may not be flexible to the changes and it may not go well. Pam and I want to share how we can build that flexibility in our children.
Other helpful podcast episodes that can also help with this topic:
E26. Travelling and sleep
E.87 Leaving the house with baby!
If you want to work on sleep and get the support to help your little learn independent sleep skills, we can help! Reach out to us at [email protected] and we can set up a FREE 15 minute consultation.
*Our programs may be covered under benefits through Social Worker