A great business must be full of trustworthy people. In fact, you can't have a great business without everyone being trustworthy.
Of course, we hate to suggest that someone is not trustworthy because that feels like a direct, personal indictment of someone's character. However, there is a lot more than merely "good character" required for a person to be a trustworthy employee.
Even is someone is genuinely a person of good character, if they are not competent in their role, they can't be trusted to deliver results.
If a person does not fit your culture, they can't be trusted to deliver results.
If they don't speak up for the good of the company with their ideas and opinions despite the apparent "danger," then they can't be trusted to deliver results.
Watch the video to learn more or tune into the Results On Purpose podcast for a longer discussion.
To learn more about Results On Purpose Business Coaching, connect with Jeff Garrison on LinkedIn or visit www.ResultsOnPurpose.com.
#Trustworthy, #BusinessCoaching, #Leadership, #ResultsOnPurpose