In the previous podcast I have described about the process of getting up early and setting an alarm. Now since we have set up an alarm do we generally wakes up is the question arises here? While going to bed and setting an alarm for next morning we think that we will wake up next day and start with our daily routine doing exercise, mediation, listening to some music, etc but that dosen't happen in the most of the cases with the most of the people and we postponed that from tomorrow we will start waking up and since tomorrow does not come we preferably follow the same routine. There is 4 type of possibility while people set an alarm. First when alarm rings in the morning, alarm continues to go and the guy doesn't wakes up but the nearby them wakes up that guy is in state of slumber and I call them as Sleepers. Second one, when the alarm rings in the morning the guy for the most probably thing that might most of you are doing that is snoozing the alarm. The guy snoozes the alarm for 5 minutes and that 5 minutes when become hour it might not know and therfore I called them as Snoozers, Third one when the alarm rings the guy instantly wakes up and switch off the alarm and continue to sit in the bed though completely confused, lost and asking themselves why I set an alarm and again get back to sleep, I called them as a fallers. Fourth one, when the alarm rings the guy simply wakes up revised their goals in their mind and develop some positive visualization about their dreams and wakes up from the bed and therfore I called them as Wakers. These are the guys who are really passionate to wake up and do follow their routine which ultimately makes them achievers and therfore ask yourself genuinely in which category do you fall? Are you not playing safe! So I recommend you to be in category of achievers but not in sleepers, snoozers and fallers. So snoozing the alarm makes your mindset affect, you get into the wrong path of postponding your work or task and in the long way it can ruin your ultimate life. So try to cultivate that habits which might create a little pain before, but ultimately will give you a fruitfull results. I would like to end this episode here and I hope you got the answer why not to snooze the alarm? and in the end I would like to end with a proverb " Bad habits are easy to create but difficult to live with it, Good habits are difficult to create but easy to live with it".Till than signing off. You can listen to my podcast on any podcast app from Monday to Friday and do share with your friends that they can also be benefited. Great habits create, great life.