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Lanfear throws Moiraine and Lan out of the Ways outside of Falme. She then transports herself and Rand into the city, where Rand confronts and kills Turak and his men. This causes Ishamael to learn of Rand's presence and realize that Lanfear has betrayed him. Ishamael orders Padan Fain to deliver the dagger from Shadar Logoth to Mat, in an attempt to kill Rand. However, Mat refuses to take the dagger and escapes. The Whitecloaks, led by Dain and his father Geofram, attack Falme in an attempt to eradicate the Seanchan. During the chaos, Ingtar, Loial, and Masema escape with the Horn of Valere and join the battle alongside Mat, Perrin, and the Aiel. Ingtar is killed in the process. Egwene manages to break free from her a'dam and kill Renna. Mat is forced to blow the Horn, summoning the Heroes of the Horn and turning the tide of the battle. At the same time, Perrin kills Geofram out of rage due to him killing Hopper. Rand, Egwene, Nynaeve, Perrin, and Mat reunite and are confronted by Ishamael. Ishamael has Rand shielded from the One Power and tricks Mat into wounding Rand. While Egwene and Perrin fight Ishamael, Moiraine frees Rand from the shield, allowing him to slay Ishamael. Rand is then proclaimed the Dragon Reborn before the whole city. After the battle, Moghedien confronts Lanfear and informs her that all the Forsaken have been released.