Make it gnarly and they will come. This week we watch 2009’s, “Friday the 13th!” Is it a bummer? Yes. Is it the worst Friday the 13th movie in the franchise? Nah. Join us as we discuss How this movie and Transformers are somehow in the same universe, how Jay boi hates weed, Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, women’s nipples, and baby oil, and how there was a missed opportunity for Jason to be driving a speedboat. Be sure to rate and subscribe otherwise you’ll be on camp up keep this summer!
Stats/info: 2009, directed by Marcus Nispel, starring Jared Padalecki, Danielle Panabaker, Derek Mears, Amanda Righetti, Julianna Guill, Travis Van Winkle, Aaron Yoo, Willa Ford, and Arlen Escarpeta