PART 1 of a BEST OF compilation of Karl's pseudo-educational feature, EDUCATING RICKY, which is a play on words based on the film, Educating Rita. Karl brings in a few ridiculous topics each week and teases his co-hosts, Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, with catchy headlines meant to sum up the topic, usually in the form of a stupid pun. Karl typically reads out the headlines, and lets Ricky and Steve react to them. After Karl is reprimanded for his idiocy, a topic is chosen and Karl proceeds to expound on it in a comical manner. Ricky usually cackles wildly and/or becomes enraged by the utter inanity and falsity of Karl's bogus story.
BEST OF compilation based on the comprehensive 4-part Educating Ricky compilation released previously on this channel.
Alien Gives Man a Beard (0:00)
Hairy Chinese Kid (3:35)
Don’t Do That To It, You Know It Can’t Live Without An ‘Ed (7:41)
What's Tomato With You? (11:40)
Get A Lobe Of This (16:15)
It's Not His Volt (18:41)
Don't Worry About Him, He Candle It (20:16)
I'm Kermitted To This Treatment (22:09)
I'll bac-on in the morning if you're sick of me (31:12)
We'll have a big fire to-marrow (34:32)
Hippapota-nuse - flies off at a funny angle (38:34)
Chi-can you believe it? (42:50)
Armor gonna have ta thump ya - Shut your face (48:32)
Tip included? - Little fellas after Suzanne (50:13)
I wouldn'ta come here in Heinz-ight (56:35)
Get your kit on, we're off down the butchers (58:35)