"Killing and Starving children is not Jewish. Fighting antisemitism demands decoupling of Jews from Israel."
Since many people don't have time to read full articles anymore, I want to start by linking to two poignant interviews I've had the privilege of conducting over the last few years:
- Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, the first Palestinian doctor to work in an Israeli hospital: lost his wife to leukaemia aged just 43, leaving him with their 8 children. Just four months later,during the 2008-9 Gaza War, three of his daughters and one niece were killed. And yet Izzeldin has dedicated his life to using health as a vehicle for peace.
- Bassam Aramin, Palestinian, and Rami Elhanan, Israeli, are members of The Parents Circle – Families Forum (PCFF), due to the most painful loss of their daughters at different times due to the intractable Israel and Palestine conflict. They have become 'brothers' and advocate constantly for solidarity and peace in their land.
Last week saw the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. It also saw the return of Palestinians to the north of Gaza. This juxtaposition of events hits hard.
The 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz had 56 survivors of the camp in attendance; down from 200 survivors for the 75th anniversary. We are losing the voice of those who experienced violence, discrimination, hatred and genocide first hand in these camps of torture and death. Of course we must add it was not only Jews that suffered in these camps.
Meanwhile, anti-semitism is on the rise since Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October 2023 and the ensuing war in Gaza and Lebanon. This sudden attack on 7 October was not out of nowhere of course. It follows in a line of attacks on both sides, and in the greater region, over decades, despite various ‘agreements’, ‘accords’, political handshakes… nothing has yet brought peace.
On my show this week I have four strong and learned voices on the region, the culture and the law:
- Dalia Hader, a Palestinian living in Luxembourg who is asking for petition signatures here so that the Government of Luxembourg discusses this topic in the chamber: “Luxembourg must sanction Israel for its policies in Palestine.”
- Martine Kleinberg, President, Jewish Call for Peace a.s.b.l.
- Dr. Michel Erpelding, International lawyer specialising in this region
- Dr. Engy Ali, President of MSF Luxembourg
Dalia Hader, is a Palestinian from Jerusalem but grew up primarily in Amman, Jordan. Like so many Palestinians, families often move if they have a choice as it becomes untenable to ‘live’ and raise a family in Israel / Palestine. Current records show the state of Palestine to have about 5.5 million inhabitants. The Palestinian diaspora is numbered at about 7.4 million. About one third of Palestinians living in Palestine are under the age of 15; only about 3% live to be over 65. We discuss one definition of genocide with Dr. Michel Erpelding, which targets the killing of children to minimise population growth.
Access to care and medication
Dr. Engy Ali, President of Médecins Sans Frontières, MSF Luxembourg, is specialised in Critical Care medicine and public health, working for over 20 years in the medical and humanitarian field; 12 years with Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors without Borders. She has worked in Bangladesh, Kenya, Somalia, Nigeria, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Mali, Mauritania, Haiti, Liberia, DRC, Philippines, Pakistan, Gaza and Europe.
The MSF team in Gaza have lost 9 members since 7 October 2023. This loss is deeply felt by the MSF family as they dedicate their lives to giving access to health to all, equally. ‘Access to care and medication’ is, according to Dr. Ali, the driving force of MSF.
Dr. Ali reminds us that MSF has been present in Gaza for years. She herself was working Gaza in 2020, trying to organise medical evacuation programmes for complex trauma cases (but then Covid 19 happened.)
“Our humanitarian action in Gaza is guided by our core humanitarian principles of neutrality and impartiality, but we do not stay silent about humanitarian crises as in Gaza. We publicly speak out and report attacks on healthcare facilities, shortages of medical supplies, and obstacles to access care, ensuring that humanitarian needs are recognized.”
The testimonials you hear in this interview are from from Nadia Abo Mallouh, MSF medical coordinator from Rafah, and Abu Abed, Deputy Medical Coordiantor.
Impunity reinforces antisemitism
Martine Kleinberg, President of Jewish Call for Peace (JCP) has worked unceasingly to increase the clamour of Jewish voices that do not want to be connected with the direction of Israel’s government and want to work with Palestinians for peace. This is a growing movement around the world with the Jewish Voice for Peace, and the Not in My Name refrain.
Martine is herself trained in conflict resolution and prevention. JCP is a founding Member of the European Jews for Palestine launched in October 2024, with more than 20 organisations in 14 European countries, a member of Global Jews for Palestine, and a Member of Luxembourg Collectives for Palestine.
On 1 February Martine organised a conference to discuss:
“Exploiting Memory: the Holocaust and the distortion of antisemitism”
In organising this event, Martine faced cultural decision makers in Luxembourg who did not want their venue associated with such open conversations. Neimënster said no; the Culture Bar said yes. Neimenster said this event did not “correspond to their values…the title leads to negative interpretations against associations and institutions partnered with Neimënster. As a public establishment we remain a neutral entity and cannot be associated with this type of event”
Martine is extremely clear in her own reckoning of what the Israeli government are doing to use Judaism as an instrument of war:
“I refuse the instrumentalization of my Jewish identity for colonialist supremacist purpose, that has nothing to do with Judaism. My commitment is the solidarity with the oppressed and deconstruction of antisemitic prejudices.”
Martine believes strongly that there is a “weaponization of the Holocaust memory and antisemitism by Israel, to gain impunity, which is destroying international law”.
“Fighting antisemitism demands decoupling of Jews from Israel.”
Martine Kleinberg is aghast on why almost no religious leaders, of all religions, cannot speak out with clarity that the violence against a trapped civilian population in Gaza is indefensible and wrong
Does International Law have any power anymore?
Michel Erpelding, is a legal scholar in the history of international law, with an additional degree in Middle Eastern studies, and works on international law particularly related to colonialism and individual rights.
We speak about the definitions of international lawyers and the International Criminal Court of war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and apartheid.
Israel was viewed by the UN, well before 7 October 2023, as an occupying power in Gaza, and as such remained bound by international law to meet the essential needs of the civilian population. Israel can control water going into Gaza. It can exert decisive control over Gaza via land, air and sea.
We explore the notion of ‘double standards’ in political discourse when it comes to annexation (for example, Putin annexing Crimea; Netanyahu annexing East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights and the West Bank).
Naturally the 7 October attacks by Hamas was the catalyst to this most recent war, but there is also the legal notion of ‘proportionality’ in war.
Dr. Erpeling and Dalia discuss why the Oslo Accords of 1995 did not work.
“Oslo led to a clearer apartheid reality in the West Bank and Jerusalem” says Dalia, and goes on to say how certain Palestinian segregation means one cannot drive on certain roads, cannot visit certain parts of Palestine without the ‘right’ passport, requires a certain number plate, will be held up for hours at check-points to be humiliated, and so the layers of discrimination continue.
This un-ending story of war sits in a region where, fundamentally, humanity has been abandoned. And this humanity at its core, will find not much difference between Israelis and Palestinians, just like the Irish and Northern Irish, just like the Ukrainians and Russians. When the Ukraine war started, how often did we hear the line, “But they are our brothers and sisters?” Humanity is a source of life and support. Borders, walls, check-points, active discrimination and suppression are not the acts of humans who, with a religion or not, know what is right in their heart.
Let’s end with a recent poll in the French newspaper La Tribune Dimanche, which showed that when 986 people aged between 16 and 24 were questioned about the Holocaust, one in five had never heard of it (18%), and almost one in five had heard of it without knowing more (17%).
Let’s try to remember what has gone before.
Let’s try to break the circles of hatred in history.
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