Ready to boost your Luxembourgish with a new B1 Conversation Workout? Mastering real conversation takes practice—especially when you want to discuss everyday topics more naturally and confidently.
In this episode, we’ll tackle conversations about job satisfaction and your work life. Perfect for a coffee chat with a friend or a new acquaintance! You’ll strengthen both listening and speaking skills, learning how to express opinions about your job, ask questions, and answer in a way that sounds natural and authentic.
First You’ll hear the whole conversation between Jeannine and Anne -2 works colleagues - so an informal conversation
Then I will go through important vocabulary and phrases used in the conversation so to practice together and make sure your Luxembourgish sounds more fluent and that you also gain in confidence
Ready to practice?
A: So mol Jeannine, bass du zefridden mat danger Aarbecht? Tell my J are you happy with your job?
J: Jo, eigentlech schonn. Meng Aarbechtskollegen si sympathesch an meng Aarbecht ass interessant. Yes, pretty much. My colleagues are nice and my job is interesting.
Awer ech géif gär méi Verantwortung iwwerhuelen. But I would like to take on more responsibility.
A: Wat mengs du mat méi Verantwortung? What do you mean with …
J: Ech wëll gär an den nächste 5 Joer eng dichteg Positioun iwwerhuelen. I would like to take on a leadership position in the next 5 years.
A wéi gesäit et bei dir aus Anne? And how about you?
A: Ech sinn och zefridden mat menger Aarbecht, awer ech wënsche mer méi Geleeënheeten fir meng Fäegkeeten weider ze entwéckelen. I’m happy with my job too, but I wish to have more opportunities to develop my skills.
J: Seriö? Ech wousst net, datt s du esou éiergäizeg bass. Really, I did not know that you were so ambitious.
A: Dach, - Yes
J: Wéi laang schaffs du da schonn hei? How long have you been working here?
A: Dat ass mäi 5. Joer an der Firma. This is my 5th year with this company.
J: Hues du schonn iwwerluecht, wat s du maache kéints, fir däin Zil ze erreechen? Have you already thought about what steps you could take to achieve your goal?
A: Jo, ech hu mam Chef driwwer geschwat, an hien huet proposéiert datt ech un enger interner Ausbildung deelhuelen soll. Yes, I’ve discussed this with the manager, and he suggested that I take part in an internal training.
J: dat ass eng gutt Iddi. That’s a good idea.
A: Jo, ech freeë mech iwwer dës Formatioun = Ausbildung. Ech wäert sécherlech vill Neies an och nei Fäegkeeten léiere. Yes, I’m looking forward to this training. I will for sure learn a lot of new stuff and also new skills.
J: ech mengen, datt et och wichteg ass eng gutt balance tëscht Aarbecht a Fräizäit ze fannen. I think that finding a good balance between work and free time (it) is also important.
Vergiess net och heiansdo Spaass am Liewen ze hunn. Aarbecht eleng mécht net glécklech. Don’t forget to have some fun sometimes in life. Work alone won’t make you happy.
A: Jo dat stëmmt. Dofir versichen ech mech ze entspanen an de Weekend treffen ech meng Frënn. An du? Wat méchs du fir de Kapp fräi ze kréien? Yes, that’s right. Therefore I try to relax and at the weekend I meet my friends. And what about you? What do you do to clear your head?
J: Also, ech ginn heiansdo lafen an ech maachen reegelméisseg Yoga. An ech verbrénge vill Zäit mat menger Famill a mat menge Frënn. Also, I sometimes go running and I regulary do Yoga. And I spend a lot of time with my family and my friends.
A: Do hues du recht. There you’re right.
J: Absolut. Sou, genuch geschwat. ech mengen et ass nees Zäit fir schaffen ze goen. Absolutely. So, enough talked. I think it’s time to go back to work.
Well done! Nice work for sticking with me all the way through that training.
It’s training your mouth and your memory through repetition that will help you sound more like a native speaker.
Do you want to practice actively conversation then reach out to LWA and get all details about our 1:1 conversation coaching program with me as your coach.
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