Atarah Valentine is a certified Hypnotherapist (CHT) and Mindset Coach with specialized training in Inner Child Healing, Trauma Recovery, Mental and Emotional Release Therapy, NLP, PTSD, Cancer, Immune Disorders, Law of Attraction, and Weight Loss.
Valentine has developed a grounded and pragmatic approach to healing, leaving his clients feeling empowered and realigned. He has also come up with his company focused on healing, The Seed Level, with the best-selling workshop 'Rehearse, Recalibrate, Review.'
Today on the Sattva Soul Podcast, we talk about how to level up in life, what our blocks are and how to make some energetic shifts and what to consider when you're in a place of feeling stuck. Packed with his wisdom, you might want to get a notebook for this episode because it has so much information you don't want to miss!
You can connect with Atarah @atarah_valentine and and if you liked this episode, don't forget to rate, review or subscribe!