Encounter Culture

Science Fiction for Social Justice: Fronteras del Futuro at the National Hispanic Cultural Center Art Museum with Jadira Gurulé and Augustine Romero

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What does the future hold? Apocalypse or idyll? Robots or retro tech? Artists have asked that question for millennia and responded with wildly inventive, often provocative works. Fronteras del Futuro: Art In New Mexico And Beyond at the art museum at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque brings several dozen cosmic possibilities together in one exciting, forward-focused exhibition.

Encounter Culture host Charlotte Jusinski peers into this thoroughly modern future with Jadira Gurulé, the exhibit’s curator, and Augustine “Gus” Romero, one of its featured artists. They discuss what it means for people of color to interact with the science fiction genre and to finally see themselves in narratives that white voices have long dominated.

Fronteras del Futuro features its share of super-cool spaceship-like transport, beeping machinery, and alien figures from an arguably unnerving other world. Even so, the exhibit remains undeniably calm. That’s due to an emphasis on optimism, humanity, and justice for all. 

Fronteras del Futuro is on view at the art museum at the National Hispanic Cultural Center through March 12, 2023. Learn more about the NHCC and plan your visit at nhccnm.org.


EC0204: Rooted in Tradition, Focused on the Future: Celebrating The National Hispanic Cultural Center with Dr. Margie Huerta and Noël Bella Merriam

Bless Me, Última

Marion C. Martinez

The End Is Nye

Visit https://newmexicoculture.org for info about our museums, historic sites, virtual tours and more.


Encounter Culture, a production of the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs, is produced and edited by Andrea Klunder at The Creative Impostor Studios.

Hosted by Charlotte Jusinski, Editor at El Palacio Magazine

Technical Director: Edwin R. Ruiz

Recording Engineer: Kabby at Kabby Sound Studios in Santa Fe

Executive Producer: Daniel Zillmann

Show Notes: Lisa Widder

Associate Editor: Helen King

Associate Producer: Alex Riegler

Theme Music: D’Santi Nava

Instagram: @newmexicanculture

For more, visit podcast.nmculture.org.

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