Well, Sex on Kava is almost over, but before we end it for good, we're breaking out some of the classic tapes from years past. In this classic "Best Of" episode, we’ve packed a lot of funny into a few short minutes here, so strap in! We’re talking about penis pumps, homoerotic homophobia, fisting, sounding, being dominated by Mistress Cruella– and that’s just in the first 10 minutes! We’ve also got Cary the Gay guy sharing the intimate secrets of the South Florida gay male culture, Creepy Greg telling us about his deep, dark past (and how he got to be so creepy), and Ethan wearing a dress! Plus, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders! And some of your favorite guests: Eric Rosenblum, Noshod Barrow, Hanz Rivero, Jen Hellman, Terra the Flight Attendant, Mike Sowa, Raya Elias-Pushett, Morgan the Child, Josh Rosen, and the very sexy Jackie Jacqueline (before she was Mrs. Rich Kennedy)! All right here on the Best of Sex on Kava, Volume III!