This week's episode delves into the harrowing story of Janna, who at the beginning of this story was a young high schooler who fell prey to a manipulative groomer. This individual, initially presenting himself as a kind, attentive, and compassionate confidante, captivated Janna with his charm. Unfortunately, these qualities often mask a predatory nature, as charm can be a powerful tool for sexual predators. Such was the case of this predator. Janna, seeking solace and understanding during a difficult period marked by anxiety episodes, found an attentive ear in this individual. His support fostered a sense of connection, leading Janna to hope for a deeper, more meaningful relationship. However, this "support" was merely a calculated ploy, a tactic to gain Janna's trust and gradually isolate her. The groomer, using manipulative tactics, consistently delayed the progression of their relationship, citing a need for time and contemplation. This period of uncertainty intensified the grooming process, allowing the predator to gradually exert greater control over Janna's emotions and erode her self-confidence. Beneath the façade of kindness and consideration lay a cunning manipulator. His affection fluctuated dramatically, amplified when his sexual desires were met and swiftly withdrawn when they weren't. This pattern of intermittent reinforcement created a cycle of dependence and emotional turmoil for Janna. The manipulation resulted in a series of sexual assaults, culminating in a devastating act of rape. Throughout these traumatic experiences, the rapist systematically gaslighted Janna, convincing her that she had willingly consented to all sexual encounters. He cruelly dismissed her doubts and confusion as figments of her imagination, further eroding her sense of self-worth. Ultimately, the rapist succeeded in shifting the blame, convincing Janna that she was the abuser, the manipulator. This insidious tactic of victim-blaming is a common strategy employed by perpetrators to evade accountability for their heinous actions. This episode serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of predatory grooming and the devastating impact it can have on young, vulnerable individuals. And it highlights the importance of recognizing the warning signs of manipulation and cultivating healthy boundaries in relationships. Thank you for being a SASS listener. Please subscribe to the show, then give it a five-star rating. This helps in the grand scheme of algorithms to increase the opportunity of more people to know about and listen to this important and powerful podcast. Also, please follow the Instagram page of sexualassaultsurvivorstories. It all helps the show grow. Which is what I hope to accomplish to help lessen the prevalence of rape and sexual assault, as well as the prevalence of rape culture that surrounds us all. And as always, here are some important and meaningful websites I hope you’ll take a look at and learn about. Thanks again! #napanews #arcigrey #thrivivors #thejanbrobergfoundation #janbroberg #safeinharmsway #epizonstrategy #intentionallyfearless #thelastimsorry #feelingsmall #sasspodcast #traumainformed #sexualassaultsurvivorstories #traumainformedexpert #sexassaultvictim #survivorsunite #rapevictim #sexualassaultsurvivorstories #podcast #markelconsulting #jessicapridelawfirm #gettraumainformed #safeinharmsway #projectbeloved #saan #irishangel #crimevictimsassistancecenter #coloradoassociationofsexcrimeinvestigators #girlsfightback #outdoordefense #worthfightingfor #thejanbrobergshow #thrivivors #thejanbrobergfoundation