Yan, known as the Pivotal Healer, is a long-term young adult cancer survivor living cancer-free in Singapore for the last 15 years.
As a certified and trained women's integrative health coach, movement teacher and energy healing practitioner,, she supports female cancer survivors above 30 to cultivate their own health resiliency, immunity and self-love through her R4CS program and live in the “rest-digest-manifest” feminine flow state.
During this episode, Yan and I have an open and transparent conversation about the following topics and more:
The power of manifesting and tapping into your intuition
The three secrets Yan discovered from living a cancer free life
Patterns of words and the implications to our bodies
Less commonly-publicised challenges faced by long-term cancer survivors
Overcoming shame from an abusive relationship
Head over to the show notes to connect with Yan.
Here's to owning our inner power, making bold moves and living a life that feels good.
Making Bold Moves Notebook
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