We seek to live a traditional life in a modern world, which can make it VERY difficult. Many seek to hold onto appliances and items because it brings them convenience, and that is okay. However, if you had to downsize your home or live off grid, would you really be okay with letting these items go?
This episode stemmed from an Instagram post about not owning a dishwasher. I quickly discovered there were three type of people when it comes to getting dishes cleaned:
the handwasher who loves the task and finds it therapeutic
the individual who doesn't have time to hand wash due to large family or busy schedules
the individuals who feel the only way to properly wash and sanitize dishes is with the use of a dishwasherI began thinking, what other modern appliances would others have a hard time getting rid of? In today's episode I talk about 5 modern appliances which may prove difficult for many to let go of. This simple homesteading life in a modern world has a different take for each person.
Also, here are the links which I talked about in this podcast:
convention oven/air fryer
my book, The Farm Girl's Guide to Preserving the HarvestMake sure to come back for the second part of this episode!