After the controversial and unpopular X3: The Last Stand, the architects of X-Men franchise felt like their vision had been left incomplete. The creative team of Bryan Singer and Simon Kinberg got another shot at an X trilogy and another chance to wrap up an X trilogy with X:Men Apocalypse. They had two solid movies leading up to this one, lots of goodwill from fans, AND the incredible cast of Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, Rose Bryne, and Nicholas Hoult, WITH the added magnificence of Oscar Isaac! A recipe for success, right? Well…
After taking us back to the ’60s in First Class and zooming through the ’70s in Days of Future Past, we catch up to the X-Men in the ’80s! And just as the ’80s were a bummer, scatter-brained, wasted decade in real life, so too was X-Men: Apocalypse a bummer, scatter-brained wasted film. How did this happen? Why did this happen? What even IS happening? Join the Snark Knights as we try to figure out all that and more.