Hello friends! In today's episode, I take you way back to where it all began for me. From the body shame and insecurity of a girl coming into her teen years, to the young women desperate for a body deserving of love, I don't hold anything back. This is a story that's all too familiar for too many women, and it's beyond time we change the narrative for the next generation. Losing weight is NOT the key to happiness, success, and most of all, it is not required to be WORTHY OF LOVE, in every moment. This is something I'm very passionate about, as it took me many years to really lean in to taking care of myself on the INSIDE, and realizing that the biggest transformations are the ones that go on underneath the surface.
If today's episode resonated with you, I would be so happy if you shared it on IG. You can find me @ashton.pitre, send me a DM and let me know what you think! Do you have a similar story? I would love to know :) Keep on living soft and strong friends!