Alright, since no one reads these I’m going to entertain myself. I officially rescind my support of Red Letter Media. The fact that they turned down $250 to do an hour interview with me was insulting enough, but I understood. Since they refuse to do the one thing that brought them to my and everyone else’s attention, the Plinkett reviews, the only thing left for me to point to was that they weren’t begging for money from their fans. Selling DVDs is standard, same with merch, and even their auctions where they sell literal trash I’m fine with. With a DVD you at least have purchased a product. In the case of Feeding Frenzy it was a worthless product, but a product none the less. What I can’t stand is that they think they need to rent a warehouse to do their mediocre shit in. Let me tell you why I’m really mad though. They already get ad revenue. There’s an average of 4 ads per video. Even if they get 1/4 of a penny for every ad play, and they average 100,000 views, that’s $1,000 per video. That’s for dumb fuck movie reviews too, not the millions of views they get on Plinkett reviews. You know, the kind of reviews that require writing and work, not the kind where you pay your friends to get drunk with you and make lame lowest common denominator jokes. The worst part is that they think they are smart. They think that a collection a drunk idiots can ride the line of bad on purpose and over the top camp? I watched Feeding Frenzy, they can’t…or at least won’t. When they first started out they were able to make money and buy equipment shooting weddings and shit, but they are too good for that sort of thing now. That sort of thing being, of course, honest work. No, now they need you and me to do honest work, and then give the proceeds to them. I say fuck that. Have you seen Clerks, or El Mariachi? Those are two excellent examples of working with nothing. Another good example is Evil Dead. So, Red Letter Media, take Sam Raimi’s cue and beg for money from dentists, not people who can’t afford to go to one…you worthless fucking assholes.
Juggalo light
Jaggalo in depth
Saul Williams