Greetings, dear listeners, and welcome to Part One of my special Christmas episodes.
Today, I have a heartfelt gift for you—one that resonates deeply with the spirit of this season of love, light, and renewal.
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the embodiment of the living Christ, I want to share a message that calls each of us to awaken to the truth of who we are.
I’ll be reading from the first part a chapter of my book, You Were Born to Be a Christ But You Were Taught You Are a Sinner: Awaken to Who You Really Are.
The chapter, entitled The Great Awakening, invites us to look beyond the limited identities we’ve been taught and embrace the divine potential within us all.
This is my Christmas gift to you—a moment to reflect, to feel inspired, and to remember the profound truth that Jesus came to show us. So, find a quiet space, settle in, and let this message speak to your heart.
Chapter Two
The Great awakening
That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
~ JOHN 1:9
The Great Awakening—a popular topic these days—refers to many areas of our lives. But there is one area of our lives that I believe has not received nearly enough attention—spiritual awakening.
Yes, many have awakened spiritually and have connected with a greater aspect of themselves. Many realize that something is changing and have experienced things beyond the normal. There are the many who need more understanding of what is happening, and then there are those who sense nothing and do not care.
There is a descent of light and illumination over our planet that is bringing heaven much closer to us, and the world is waking up!
When did this Great Awakening begin? It began over 2,000 years ago with the well-planned incarnation and mission of Jesus Christ—a mission so important and yet so misunderstood.
Why do I say this?
Because Jesus’ life was an in-your-face example of who each of us are meant to be. He came to earth as the living Christ in the physical world to re-awaken us to who we really are—sons and daughters of God who are also meant to do the same.
I urge you, no matter what religion you follow, or none at all, do not dismiss the importance of his life. Put aside any pre-conceived notions whether you are a follower of Jesus, or not, and keep an open mind.
Jesus imparted critical teaching to the world. Most importantly, he solved the mystery for us of how it is possible to be divine and live in this physical world as a human. He had the spiritual attainment of the Christ, but he was born into the world as a helpless baby who needed the protection of his parents, just as we did.
He had to be protected, trained and schooled just as we did. He was tempted as we are. He had to grow into the fullness of his Christhood as he matured even though he already had that attainment before incarnating. His life is meaningful to us because, not only do we have the potential to do the same, but also we have the mandate to do so.
Jesus was awake and fully aware of himself as the Son of God as well as the Son of Man. He came to earth on a mission to publicly demonstrate for all time what it means to be Christ—the Son of God—in the physical world. He left a record in this dimension that was for all who have ever incarnated, or who ever will incarnate, on earth.
You may have not yet achieved this oneness with your Christ potential, but it is your divine destiny also. Jesus revealed this truth in so many ways. However, many of his teachings have been misunderstood or distorted, whether by our own lack of understanding or by how his teachings were codified by the early church.
Yes, Christ is the only Son of God. Just as God creates Man in His image over and over again, so is the Son of God, Christ, within each one of us.
The scripture quoted at the beginning of this chapter says that Christ is the “true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” Notice that it specifically says every man that comes into the world. Not just one.
Christ is the term used to describe the offspring of God. But no matter what terminology you may choose to use, the Son of God is the true identity of every son and daughter of God incarnating in this world.
It does not matter what religion you were born into or if you never have been religious. Your job on earth is to externalize Christ individualized within you and fulfill your own unique reason for being as Jesus did.
Carl Jung says, “Christ exemplifies the archetype of the Self.”[i] We refer to this Self as our Christ Self. The Christ Self is also referred to as the Higher Self or Higher Mental Body as described in the scripture, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” [Phillipians 2:5]
Jesus’ teaching as recorded in the Bible is very clear regarding our true identity, and we know that not all of the records of his teachings made it into the Bible.
Jesus told us not to look around to find the kingdom of heaven because it was within us, and who is in the kingdom of heaven but God? God is within us. This is why Jesus said we could do the things he did and even greater.
If our true identity is not the Christ, the Son of God, then how is it possible we could do greater things than what Jesus did?
Simple logic negates the limited concepts that have been foisted upon us by those who wish to control and keep us from manifesting our true power. We have not been taught that we were born to become a Christ. Rather, we have been taught we are sinners.
Yes, we all have made mistakes and have karma to balance, but we don’t claim our mistakes or sins as our identity. Those are the things that we are overcoming. As long as we identify ourselves as sinners, separate from God, we negate the great power of God within us.
Fear and the sense of unworthiness will not only keep us from the joyous and abundant life we are meant to live but can potentially delay the fulfillment of our divine purpose and our permanent reunion with God.
It is important to remember that Jesus was not a Christian. He was a Jew. He was raised in the Jewish tradition but was not confined by it. His incarnation was a fulfillment of the scriptures of the coming of the Messiah prophecy and was not just for those who knew him when he was alive on earth, but for all who have ever incarnated on this planet or who ever will.
While the Jews of the time were looking for a savior who would do battle with the Romans to free them from their bondage, Jesus came as a different savior. He clearly demonstrated and left a permanent record in our world of what it means to be the Son of God, the Christ, while embodied on earth.
He came to re-awaken us to our divine origins and to restore Man to his rightful place in God’s hierarchy—as Sons and Daughters of God. He came to restore us to our Christ consciousness as we were before the disobedience and fall from grace. He saved us from our fallen consciousness that has kept us from our union with Christ.
He physically and outwardly walked through the spiritual initiations that we all must master on the spiritual path: transfiguration, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. He died for us and showed us the victory over death. Granted, for most of us these initiations are not necessarily in the same way that he experienced them. Nevertheless, we will experience them in whatever way that is divine will for our souls.
While some do actually give their life in a physical way as Jesus did, it is not a necessary component of the initiation. There are many ways Christ in you can be crucified, and resurrection and ascension back to God, is the goal.
When Jesus told us we could do greater things then he did if we follow him, he did not mean to follow him as a puppy follows after its master. Rather, he meant by becoming as he is—Christ incarnate on earth. Then we too, “will have the light of life.” If the kingdom of heaven is within us, then we cannot deny that God and Christ are there too.
Jesus was prepared for this specific mission. He came as the Christ incarnate at the beginning of the Piscean Age, which is the last in the sequence of twelve astrological ages that last approximately 2,150 years each.
The twelve ages together make up a 25,800-year cycle, which we are wrapping up now at the end of Pisces, and are moving into the Aquarian Age, which is the Age of Freedom. Jesus promised he would be with us until the end, “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”[ii]
Some translations of this verse say “…to the end of the world,” and many have taken that to mean the end of the physical world. While we cannot completely discount that possibility, particularly when we see what is happening in the world these days, we see there are different translations of this particular passage.
There is not an exact date for the ending of one age and the beginning of the next. Rather, as each age concludes, there is a transition period where there is a ‘wrapping up’ of the one ending and a ‘birthing’ of the new one beginning. This is where we are today.
All that we are experiencing during these trying times is the culmination of the Piscean Age when all is being reconciled. That is, when the tares are being separated from the wheat[iii] and when light prevails over darkness.
At the same time, we are giving birth to the Aquarian Age, which is meant to be a “golden” age. Aquarius is the age of freedom—freedom for individuals to fulfill their destinies as well as the planet as a whole, which also has a destiny to fulfill.
For all this to be accomplished according to Divine Will, we must accept our roles as Sons and Daughters of God and be the instruments through which divine prophecy is fulfilled. We have dominion in this world and we hold her destiny within our hands and hearts.
It is an amazing time that you agreed to be here and to be the hands and feet of God and his angels and masters to give birth to this new age.
This concludes Part 1 of “The Great Awakening” chapter. Stay tuned for Part 2 next week.
Thank you for sharing this spiritual journey with me. May you be blessed many times over during this precious Christmas season.
The Perfect Gift for Those You Love and Care About!
You can purchase You Were Born to Be a Christ But You Were Taught You Are a Sinner: Awaken to Who You Really Are at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
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