In the world of human-centred design we dive into projects without knowing the real problem. We spend time trying to make sense of things without knowing the answer. And by the way, if you KNOW the answer upfront, you're almost certainly wrong.
We have to live in the problem space long enough to unpick it but without getting bogged down. How much time is enough?
Sometimes we have to completely change tack while the project is in motion. How do we know when, and how?
If we don’t know exactly where we are heading, how can we give our clients confidence that we’ll deliver?
And what, exactly, will we be delivering?
Staying on track and trusting the process can be immensely stressful.
This month we talked about getting comfortable with the periods of ambiguity in our projects and how we embrace uncertainty head on.
Joining us were:
Julia Birks, Associate Director, Strategic Design, Isobar
George Cockerill, Freelance User Experience Consultant