"The instruction of the LORD is entire, turning the soul;
The testimony of the LORD is supported, making wise the naive;
The precepts of the LORD are straight, rejoicing the heart;
The command of the LORD is clear, enlightening the eye;
The awe of the LORD is clean, standing forever;
The judgements of the LORD are sure, justifying together;
More coveted than gilt or great gold, sweeter than honey or syrup of beescomb."
Ps. 19:7-10
Hosted by John McCambridge and Jackie Mitchell.
Story / Symbol / Spirit is a podcast about how to make sense of Scripture. The Bible is a beautiful gift from God with the power to help us know God and better understand our lives, identity, meaning, and purpose. But for many people, reading the Bible is difficult. The ancient and confusing nature of the stories within the Bible are often prohibitive to our engagement and learning. How can we make sense of the Scriptures?
We believe that Story / Symbol / Spirit is a helpful framework to begin this journey.