Affirm for bonding and non judgement | B is for bonding. Today, I will bond with people I meet knowing that we are all mirror reflection of each other in this world. What’s within us is what we see in people around us. Today, I will bond in the awareness that the other is myself, just in disguise. Through this bond of communion or being in one unified field, I let go off the illusion of separate self. Separateness comes from the ego. I will consciously see synchrocities in this harmonious orchestra the universe plays and I will connect with the web of relationships that creates the whole universe.
I will listen to this bonding with deep listening. This is the gift I share with the world. I listen with my heart mind and soul. I will notice the good qualities of people around me and express my appreciation towards them through words , gestures and actions. I will not judge the other for how they feel because judging others is judging the self and earlier, we have committed to accepting the self as is. I will feel just what they feel and through this empathetic resonance, I accept divine downloads, wisdom and all that is eavesdropping on the mind of god.
Today I will bond with others in the awareness that the other is just myself in disguise.
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