In this interview with Yvonne Winkler, the CEO of Lotus Consulting, we hear an uncommon story of a young girl who fled from oppression to freedom. Then, as a young woman, how she left a highly regarded job to discover true fulfilment on her own terms and to become the woman she is today. We talked about how "starting over" requires courage, trust and the ability to let go of the securities we believe in. A common thread we found in our stories is that when you trust your heart and act from your inner feminine wisdom, the rest will work out the way it needs to.
She said, “Freedom is found within, not outside of yourself.” This is so true. You can travel the entire world, but you can still feel trapped from within.
I love doing podcast interviews because I see the value in sharing these conversations about hope, courage and inspiration. I also believe in collaborations with other women. As Yvonne mentioned, women really understand the value of collaboration, and this is how we can move forward as a society.
Yvonne Winkler is the CEO of Lotus Consulting, Founder of the Freedom Seeker Community and Former Managing Director Alberta Chapters with one of the largest and widely recognised premier business networking organisations, eWomen Network. With over 18 years of business development, consulting and marketing experience, Yvonne coaches women to find the clarity they want and harness the strength they already have to live a life they choose.
You can find out more about Yvonne Winkler, her work and coaching programs on
Interview Highlights
* From oppression to freedom - Leaving communist East Germany to the West Germany in 1989
* Starting over in a new world twice- adjusting to capitalism, different mindset and a whole new circumstance in West Germany and then Canada 5 years later
* The experience of different oppressions and how to use that experience to build a business and support women on their journey
* Why it is so important to discover what our heart really wants, not what others want for us or expect of us
* How common it is to feel something is missing or unfulfilled despite having a great job and all
* No one else is going to find out what will fulfil us, we have to find out what they are ourselves
* The idea of the Lotus Wellness was born in Spain during a year-long trip, to create a sacred space where people can recover from their trauma, to unpack their stories and to heal. It may not be what it is today, but that was the start of the idea and vision.
* The reason why women tend to play safe, the fear of not being good enough or losing what they have
* Why it is easy to forget the connection we have with our inner feminine wisdom, and how we need to re-connect to that source of power
* No one is broken and we don’t need to be fixed, but it may be a call for change and courage
* When we change nothing, nothing changes
* There is no over night success, we all need to start somewhere, just start from where you are
* Freedom Seeker Community is a place for women to feel we belong, to feel safe, to open up from their vulnerability and to share experiences.