Have you not yet heard of the term “funism” . Funism is anything that can inspire joy or playfulness in the lives of others. It's about trying to make the world a happier place.It's an ideology. It's a philosophy. Funism is like alcoholism, except you don't have to have a hangover when it's over. It's cheaper than anti-depressants and has better side effects.
At this time more than ever, we could all use a little inspiration and fun to keep ourselves going, and on this show I get to chat with New York based artist, political activist and founder of the art movement “Funism."
Norm Magnusson joins us to to discuss his passion for painting that was discovered haphazardly in a tiny Manhattan apartment, why he feels a kinship with the chef responsible for green eggs and ham, the influence behind his ‘historical’ plaques and what brought him to the idea of weaving pornography together to curate an approachable show for the public eye.
He has exhibited in In the permanent collection of The Museum of Modern Art (Franklin Furnace Artist's Book Archive), The Springfield Museum of Art, The Anchorage Museum of History and Art, The Museum of the City of New York Museum of the City of New York, The New-York Historical Society New-York Historical Society, The Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, The Pember Museum [2] and numerous other public and private collections; and has been referred to as the ‘Michael Moore Of Highways’ in the New York Times.
Above all else, Norm Magnesium is a playful, charismatic and intelligent being who’s light hearted wit and humor will keep you on your toes throughout this interview.
This podcast is produced by Radio Free Rhinecliff https://www.radiofreerhinecliff.org