What an incredible year it's been for the Mind. Body. Travel. team.
Before we dive head first into this year's fantastic guests, we wanted to put into practice what we preach.
Take a moment, reflect, and enjoy the moment.
We decided to revisit our previous episodes.
You'll hear Ranveigg from Obeo Travel telling us all about her experience trying out paddle-boarding! We cannot urge you enough to go back and listen to the episode in full.
You'll learn all about the Northern Lights, why rotten food in this country isn't a bad thing, and how you'll probably want to experience at least one 'black death' - or as the locals call it, "Brennivin"!
You'll also hear excerpts from:
Kate Mackay, the snow boarding mummy.
Jill Robinson telling us all about her encounters with what she expected to be a small yacht, during her pilates trip.
A ladies only 'Wander Woman' trip to India is described by Lee Evanson from Insight Vacations.
And that's not to mention Mel Byers' elephant encounters in Thailand and Vivek's wonderful insights into Bhutan, a place Lizzie and Colin definitely want to visit themselves!
While it's a tough time for all of us right now, and having (at the time of publishing) re-entered national lockdown, we wanted to keep you feeling positive.
If you're new to Mind. Body. Travel, this episode will serve you as a very entertaining and useful preview of what you can expect by going back and listening to our previous episodes.
If you didn't hear them, maybe you didn't get round to subscribing? Now is the perfect time to do so.
You can do it right now by clicking this link.
If you've heard episodes of Mind. Body. Travel. before, this episode will help you catch up on any you might have missed, and will provide a useful recap, so you too can start putting together your travel wish lists for 2021 and 2022.
Remember, we're always happy to help you by offering any further questions you might have about the destinations you've heard us cover.
Email us at [email protected]
If you want to, you can get in touch directly with Lizzie, here.
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