This episode of Building Your Brave is all about creating your own "Team Brave." We were all designed and built for community, but it doesn't happen through chance or by accident. It's a conscious choice we each have to make to build deep and meaningful friendships in our lives. Megan shares about the blessing of friendship God has given her through different stages of life, and in different states. He has a similar plan for you! Key Takeaways:
- Building a true community takes a lot of hard work. It isn't easy and you risk rejection. You have to accept the parts of building community that aren't fun, but worth it!
- It's been said that you become who you surround yourself with. If that's true who will you be in the next 5 years? Does that person excite you? If not, it may be time to examine your friendships and see what needs to change.
- A new perspective on the wound of rejection
- Community begins with prayer. Start by asking God for the community you need, but don't stop there. Put yourself in spaces that allow for community building.
Who's ready to start building their Team Brave? Tune in each week and subscribe for inspiring stories, practical tips, and heartfelt encouragement. Join Megan as we chase our dreams and build a life we love. Let's connect! Register for the Build Your Brave Conference Join the We Are Team Brave Facebook Page Follow Megan on Instagram