How To Improve Your Mental Wellness.
This week is mental health awareness week 10th – 17th May 2021. So, I thought it'd be a great opportunity to have a look at your own mental wellness and see if there's any ways that you can improve your own mental health and wellbeing.
One of the first things I'd encourage you to do, is take an overview of your current situation, how are you currently feeling?
If you could measure your mental wellbeing on a scale of 1 to 10, where would you score yours?
If 10 is really strong, almost superhero like and one is very low, where on the scale would you currently put yourself?
At this point it doesn't matter where you are, whether you think it was as low, high or in the middle. This is just a snapshot of your current position. If it's not as strong, or as high as you’d like it to be, it's just an indicator that there's room for you to make some improvements, to make some changes, to help yourself improve your own mental wellness.
There are some fundamentals that are important foundations, like getting god sleep, good nutrition, hydration. Ask yourself are these things being taken care of.
If they're not, then look at how you can improve these, and if they are fantastic, now look at some of the other things you can do to help improve your mental wellness.
Now, I'd like you to do is think about your mind fitness, your mental wellness in the same way, as you probably would think about your physical fitness and wellbeing, if you want to improve your physical fitness, you wouldn't go for a walk, or a run, you wouldn't work with a personal trainer, or go to a gym, once or a even a few times and expect that to keep you in credit for the rest of your life.
And I want you to approach and think about your mental wellness in exactly the same way.
Consistency is the key.
Start off by making a list of all the things that you like doing, things that you enjoy doing, hobbies, activities, past times, anything that you find relaxing, that helps to de-stress, re-energises and uplifts you.
This is one of the reasons why so many people have been affected by the global pandemic in the last year, because without realizing it, many of us have lost outlets that used to help release and let go of some of our stresses and strains. As well as things that help to charge us up and keep us feeling good.
With more and more people having to work from home, even the small day to day things like, the daily commute into, may have served as an unwind between home and work, the human interaction with people we meet on our way to work, or in work. The gyms have been closed, pubs, restaurants, days out holidays, all those things that people would normally take for granted, suddenly stopped.
We may not have realised that these things were an important part of our life.
Whether you're reading, watching or listening to this at the time of the pandemic, or afterwards, have a look at your life and ask yourself, are you consistently doing things that help keep you topped up and charged from the inside out.
Make a list of things you like doing, whether that be simple daily tasks, or things that you do occasionally, make a list of all the things that you can do to keep your mental wellness and your mind fitness as strong as you possibly can.
Once you’ve done that, then look at how you can do more of those things in your day-to-day life on a consistent basis
Your action step for today, is to look at your own mental wellness score on a scale of zero to 10, then make a list of all the things you can do to help keep your mental wellness topped up as part of your lifestyle.
Over the next few days, I'm going to share a few different tips and strategies for how you can enhance and optimize your mental wellness. In the meantime, have a think, and make a list of all the things you can do help yourself.
It’s important to remember, don't just do it a few times and expect things to improve, to keep your mental wellness top to up and to maintain it, it’s what you do on a consistent basis that's going to make the biggest difference.
Also remember that these things don't have to be complicated, you just need to be consistent with it.
Please get in touch, leave a comment and let me know how you're going to help yourself to improve and enhance your mental wellness moving forward.
Remember what your mind believes you will achieve, so allow yourself to think differently, to believe yourself more, to take action, so you can enjoy and achieve the life that you want.
Go on, you can do it!
All the best
Christian Baker - Mindset Coach
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