The Alex Kraemer Program RSS
John Feightner is an Improvisor and an actor living in Pittsburgh. John’s one of my favorite Improvisors in the city, so I was very glad he said yes to come on. I was actually very nervous to talk to him, I think you'll find that out when you listen. But through that nervousness I learn a lot about John. We talk about him going through his awkward stage in high school to pushing himself out there to entertain his classmates. John tells me about his dreams back then about being a director, going to college to study film and acting, then discovering Friday night improv and finding his love of Improv and his core group of friends. We also talk about the hard times he went through after college, just trying to make money to live and do what he loves. We talk about working a comfortable job and the pros and cons that go with that, and knowing when it's time to work for something better without losing the things you loveI loved talking and joking around with John, he's just a very funny, sweet, and personable guy. Funny on and off stage. Enjoy!