Welcome to The Asc3nd Podcast. This episode features Samuel Teresi, Los Angeles-based private personal trainer. In this episode, you'll get to hear some of Samuel's powerful stories of dealing with depression, anxiety, and suicide and how he was able to come out of it all. He shares how vulnerability has been the key for him to shift his relationships, perspectives, and life. We talk about our own journeys of working through mental health struggles, toxic masculinity, and how men can start feeling safe to express their emotions. We also talk about how injury can lead to the most powerful breakthroughs if you can shift your perspective. There are a ton of ideas and tools that are mentioned so grab a pen and paper, you'll want to take notes for this one.
Samuel is a private personal trainer in Los Angeles California. He has been in the fitness industry for over seven years and works with a variety of clients. He specializes in strength & conditioning, functional training, recovery, and is a pain-free specialist.
Samuel is also an advocate for men struggling with mental health. He is passionate about being in service to men who may feel like they don’t have a way out or a place to turn. His mission is to empower men through mental fitness and find what drives them so that they can discover their authentic selves.
Having gone through 10+ years of struggling with mental health himself, he believes that he has the experience, philosophies, and strategies to help other men break their own limiting beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors to find and create the inner peace and life they truly desire.
Get in touch with Samuel Teresi: Instagram: @_Teresi91 Email: [email protected] Samuel's Resources:Books: The Slight Edge, Courage is Calling, The Four Agreements, Atomic Habits, Unfuck Yourself Videos: Gabrielle Bernstein On: Childhood Trauma Bend Time and Space to Free Your MindTake Back Control of Your Life in Uncertain Times