Welcome to Director Watch! On this AwardsWatch podcast, co-hosts Ryan McQuade and Jay Ledbetter attempt to breakdown, analyze, and ultimately, get inside the mind of some of cinema’s greatest auteurs. In doing so, they will look at their filmographies, explore what drives them artistically and what makes their decision making process so fascinating. Add in a few silly tangents and a fun game at the end of the episode and you’ve got yourself a podcast we truly hope you love. On episode 86 of the Director Watch Podcast, the boys are joined by Pop Culture Confidential host Christina Jeurling Birro to discuss the next film in their Mike Nichols series, Postcards from the Edge (1990).
As we enter the 1990s, Mike Nichols is coming off one of the most successful films of his career, and with his follow-up to Working Girl, he brings to life the deeply honest, humorous, personal story of Carrie Fisher’s autobiographical novel, Postcards from the Edge. Based on Fisher’s novel inspired by real life events from her childhood, relationship with her mother Debbie Reynolds, her acting career post Star Wars, and her battle with substance abuse, Nichols is expertly able to bring every element of Fisher’s life together with a brilliant performance by Meryl Streep, and the excellent work by Shirley MacLaine playing her version of Reynolds, and the tragic yet relatable bond the real mother-daughter had while going through the Hollywood machine. Ryan, Jay, and Christina break down their thoughts on the film, their connection to Fisher and Reynold’s careers, how different a role like this is for both Streep and MacLaine, the perfect use of Gene Hackman, the film’s depiction of substance abuse and if it goes deep enough on the matter, and the what might possibly be the funniest moment in the history of the show with the discovery of the plot of a Disney Channel original movie from 2004 and how it all ties to the career of Debbie Reynolds. And no, we aren’t talking about Halloween Town. You will have to listen to find out, and trust us, it’s worth it.
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This podcast runs 1h48m. The guys will be back next week to continue their series on the films of Mike Nichols with a review of his next film, The Birdcage. You can rent it via iTunes and Amazon Prime rental in preparation for the next episode of Director Watch. Till then, let’s get into it.
Music: MUSICALIFE, from Pond5 (intro) and “B-3” from BoxCat Games Nameless: The Hackers RPG Soundtrack (outro).