Have you ever wondered what is means to be a great writer? Well wonder no longer. In this episode we tackle a whole host of topics from; the biggest challenges for writers, the importance of including you in your work, key difference between fiction and non fiction writing, growing author diversity and bringing lived experienced into your work, how to overcome writers block, the importance of why in what you write, examples of different writing systems/techniques etc and much much more.
Helping us answer these questions is special guest
Dipika (Di-pi-kuh) Mummery - a British Asian digital content editor from Bolton, now living in Manchester. She has written short stories and flash fiction across sci-fi, fantasy, realist fiction and horror. Her work has been published by Comma Press, Arachne Press, Fox & Windmill, Tasavvur, and Fly on the Wall Press. Dipika has an MA in Creative Writing from The University of Manchester. She is currently working on her first novel, and can be found on Instagram and Threads at @dipikamummery.