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This audio is edited version of a longer Video presentation originally given on 12th of January 2024 to a secular group and made available to my Patrons on 15th Jan 2024.
To see the longer complete video, follow the link to my Patreon community.
Welcome to Our New Season.
Today, we begin a series exploring the biblical book of Joshua. Over the coming weeks, we’ll study it chapter by chapter and, verse by verse.
Also, it is my plan that as we progress through the whole project to create a playlist, with a single longer episode to give an overview in its entirety of each of the books of our bible.
Joshua is an invaluable addition to the proceeding five books of the bible (The Pentateuch). It is the book where we finally see God’s deliverance plan realized
With Moses now deceased, Joshua became their leader, ready to enter Canaan.
Like Exodus and Deuteronomy, there is a great deal of geographical material in the book of Joshua. Yet there is a narrative story also. Beyond that, the details of the division of the land, as well as a farewell address.
The geography of the promised land is one of the unifying factors throughout the book.
I. Entering the Land to Possess it 1:1-5:15
II. Conquering the Land to Possess it 6:1-12:24
III. The Division of the Land to Possess it 13:1-21:45
IV. Appendix 22:1-24:33
The purpose of the Book of Joshua is to document how God led the Israelites into the land of Canaan, and how they subsequently conquered and divided it. This book continues the geographical and chronological narrative of Israel from Abraham to Malachi. Without this text, there would be significant gaps in our understanding of the history of Israel, particularly regarding how they entered and settled in the land.
You cannot spend any time studying this book without also thinking about the man himself. Joshua is one of the Bible's most remarkable figures in the bible and by studying his life, we can discover valuable lessons about what makes great men and women truly great—and in the process, learn something about ourselves.
Joshua was undeniably a great man. Few would argue with that. But what made him great? What made him tick? What made him function so effectively as a leader?
By examining his life as it’s revealed in the book of Joshua—we can begin to answer these questions which I believe will be helpful to our understanding of both the book and the man.
Joshua the Soldier
Joshua the Statesman
The key to Joshua’s success as a statesman, just as it was in his military campaigns, was his obedience to the Word of God. Over and over, Scripture emphasizes that Joshua acted in accordance with God’s instructions.
In Joshua 13, God directly commanded Joshua to divide the land among the tribes, and Joshua carried out this task faithfully.
In Joshua 14, Caleb approached Joshua to claim the land God had promised him, and Joshua honored that request because it aligned with God’s Word.
In Joshua 17, when Ephraim and Manasseh complained about their allotment, Joshua pointed them back to God’
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