It's time to connect! Do you find yourself silencing your inner voice?
On this episode of The Brain Dump (@DumpingBrains), we continue our conversation about how we might choose our speed of life and diving deeper into the idea of obligation versus choice. We consider how our own expectations may affect how we feel about a situation or person. Also, how we might honor and name our expectations so that we may show up to what is actually happening in that moment.
Some reflection questions in this episode include:
How are we making decisions about how we spend our time?
Is the decision made from a place of interest and choice or obligation and expectation?
Can we invite in more spontaneity?
Can we allow ourselves to be more open to our shifting mood and desires instead of keeping things safe, consistent, and scheduled?
How are your own expectations affecting how you respond to a situation or person?
Can we check our expectations?
Allow for grieving even when our expectations aren’t met, while also honoring what is coming up for us?
Cheers to raw connections!