Show 155 – Flappy Twitter
The Bunker Project is recorded with a live interactive studio audience. Join us for a show in person in downtown Vancouver or via Google + Hangout. Or watch live on Hangouts On Air.
The Bunker Project is brought to you by Okanagan Spring Brewmaster Black.
Start off the show with Voice Mail Feedback from Norm.
Norm has two words for James…. Flappy Birds.
and Norm can’t believe that Samsung did it again… copied Apple again now that they are coming out with a fingerprint reader.
Round Table Intros:
Question: Do you think that Samsung is copying Apple by bringing out a phone with a fingerprint reader?
Mavens in the house:
Andrew McGivern @podcasthero
James Karg @twisted_majic
Paul Juzkow @paultherockgod
Tony Amaral @artsytech
Bonnie Sainsbury @bonniesainsbury
Sanj Sukerkar @genesysdesigns
Marcel Lapointe @ NOT ONLINE ANYMORE
Paul the Rock God said that a CNN article said that you shouldn’t say you are a Guru, Maven, Rockstar or another name.
The article says if one of those words in your profile you may be doing Twitter wrong?
We talk at length about the use of these words.
Paul calls into the FeedBack line and he has a question about Just Unfollow. He is looking for tips on using this tool more effectively.
Andrew has used it in the past and recently checked it out again and noticed it had a lot of similarities with ManageFlitter.
Bonnie asks Paul what he is trying to do?
Paul is using it to grow his followers and to unfollow people easier.
Andrew talks about how he uses ManageFlitter to filter by multiple factors at a time.
Bonnie recommends using ManageFlitter to harvest followers from lists. And also to follow peoples following. What she means is by following the people your target follows then you are benefiting from the work they have done. They have vetted them for you already.
If you are farming someone’s list make sure you are retweeting them and @replying them so that they see you are interacting with them.
Sanj asks at what point do you feel that there should be a payback from all the work and time invested?
We talk about what kind of ROI we are getting from Twitter.
Norm called in to say he was listening to CBC Radio and the use of Social Media by Politicians?
We all agree we’d like to see Rob Fords Social Media accounts.
James doesn’t like Ask Me Anything sessions anymore because it is mainly used for product promotion. It's no longer cutting edge, just standard questions.
Norm calls in again to say that Windows 8.1 is a failed experiment?
Bonnie says that Norm must be an Apple Fan Boy…
She doesn’t think that a new version coming out means anything.
Some chat ensues about the good and bad of Windows 8.
Bonnie talks about how she uses Windows 8 and why she prefers it over Windows 7.
A long chat about Mobile OS vs Desktop OS.
More on the Podcast Patent:
Andrew talks about the patent troll, Personal Audio LLC, and how they are trying to force the Electronic Freedom Foundation to reveal the names of the people and companies that donated money to fight their patent. Not cool.
Andrew talks about how big podcasting is with companies like Podcast One entering the market to bring real money into podcasting.
Gaming with JAMES: