1. Set the stage by sharing YOUR story
2. Understand your audience
3. Stay hyper-focused on building your brand- What is your WHY?
4. Share content that connects- include the highs and the lows
5.Leverage your social media in different ways, don't be afraid to try different ways to share your content/story AND DO IT CONSISTENTLY!
6. Tell what the opportunity has done for you AND others- personally, professionally, emotionally, financially
Transformation/Opportunity Posts focusing not just on business success but also on personal growth, health improvements, and work-life balance achievements
Day in the Life- give a glimpse into a typical day of someone does what you do. Be real about what this looks like for you. (Focus on the flexibility, the joy in helping others achieve their goals, and how this opportunity has allowed for more xyz)
Q&As- Let people ask questions
Keep giving value and keep following up!