Recently a client asked to cancel our services. And it’s the craziest reason of all… because… he was really happy with our work.
I go into the back story in this podcast. Unfortunately, it’s going to cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars. Not because he’s asked to stop getting OUR help. But because he’s decided to blow off email as a channel.
No joke.
And that’s the reason for the cancellation. I know that it’s not my responsibility to educate every single person. But I do have some responsibility to use my experience and tell people how to use email as a channel. Simply put, those in the “know” always report the same thing: email is their profitable channel.
For this reason, this episode will cover:
- Email list as an equity
- How attribution works
- Challenges of using Facebook only
- Using emails for ads
If you want to get massive ROIs from your email, tune in to this podcast.