Tales From Trollskull is back, and this new adventuring party is trying to find the cure for the golden eyes in Waterdeep. Join us as Trollskull sends out our Ranger Lord Daisy, Juano, Pichu, and Eleanor to try and figure out this mystery.
Jonny has landed a new role in the game Pekoe, as Mayor Pambeh. Pekoe is an amazing tea making simulator in a town run by cats. It is a great way to spend some chill time, relaxing and gaming. It’s on sale right with the Steam Summer Sale, you can pick it up here: Pekoe.
A big thank you to our sponsor: The Story Telling Collective. They run workshops to help anyone write and create their ttrpg adventures. Check them out, and register for their courses. They have something for everyone, regardless of your experience level. They create a space for everyone to tell their stories, and they will help you tell yours. Please, check them out and register today.
Don’t forget to subscribe to the Diecast Podcast on iTunes or Google Play, leave a rating, a review, and let us know how we’re doing. You can follow us on twitter @DiecastPodcast. Send us a tweet and share your adventures with us. You can also catch up on any missed adventures on our YouTube channel. To listen to all of Season 6 from the beginning, you can visit here.
We also have a Discord Server up and running. Get your invite here, and stop by to talk D&D with us.