Have you done this? You're working on an event with a small staff so you decide that once things get started you'll be able to snap a few photos for social media. Then you find yourself in "event mode" and you're so busy that you don't have time and you grab a few wide shots of the stage and the audience, or forget altogether? I'm not saying that I've done this personally, I just heard about it from someone. That looks a lot like me.
Well, this is where UGC, or User Generated Content comes in. Your guests have the best view of your event and the images you gather from them are helpful beyond just filling out your instagram.
Our guest today is an expert at connecting businesses with their ideal customer via social media, she is the host of the TraDigital podcast, and she likes to run marathons. Stefanie LaHart, Founder of BoomTown Marketing, is our guest today on The Event Producer Podcast.