*Disclaimer: The following episode description was written prior to recording the episode, thus the events described within the following, and aforementioned, episode description may vary wildly from the events portrayed within the actual episode.
It's the first episode from Mars! I'm so glad to have landed! The cryo-sleep was a rolling nightmare of boundless introspection, similar, I imagine, to being skinned alive by alien-creatures who just keep chatting away in their weird alien-creature language as they slowly peel back the layers of living flesh! I'm so glad I had taken care of myself and built a body stacked with hard, well-oiled muscles! That, along with my limberness from a lifetime of Yoga and Pilates, assures me a top-spot as a servant to the governing matriarchy here on on Mars!
Also in this episode: earthquakes, oatmeal cookies, the “Juice”, savage indifference, a melon, seventeen, building permits, knee-length skirts, Kia, doing the Petri dishes, lost and found, CTE, Alabama in the summer, crystal chandeliers, spelling difficult words correctly on the first try and the elation that follows, spelling simple words incorrectly after multiple tries and the shame that follows, and lice!