“I wish I could do what you do.”
Babe, nothing is binding you to where you are RIGHT now except your own thoughts.
Nothing is limiting you except YOUR own fears.
Limiting the belief in yourself is what is holding You BACK from where you want to GO.
& idk about you girl,
But to me, that’s playing SMALL.
& we want to make BIG moves!
We hold these beliefs about ourselves & we follow strictly to rules that we didn’t even set for us
We allow all of this outside validation from people who AREN’T even where we want to go yet
They come in & plant negative seeds that grow into this giant tree of self doubt, loathing & shoulda coulda wouldas!
We let these beliefs, these seeds, give us permission to do these things instead of just Fully believing that even if you FAIL..
At the end of the day, it’s not that BAD!
What’s the worst thing that could happen??
Topic Suggestions?
* Shoot me a DM on Instagram - Email currently unavailable
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#3 All the goods at www.vickyhuff.com
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