How can trip leaders follow up well after a short-term missions trip? Is follow-up really that important? What questions should we ask those who have just returned home from a trip? Listen in today as host Dave Jacob talks with Professor Jenny Collins (Taylor University) and Tory Ruark (Mission Works). With years of short-term missions experience leading trips, our guests will help answer the question: Do short-term mission trips really help lead participants to long-term service? Here are some other questions the three discussed: 1. Why is proper follow-up from a short-term trip important?
2. What difficulties do short-termers typically experience during the reentry process?
3. Let’s talk about some of the follow-up topics. What should a team leader discuss while debriefing the trip?
4. How long should a team debrief after the trip?
5. What are some of the disadvantages to no follow-up or very little follow-up?
6. What tools or resources are available to assist agencies and team leaders in following up well?