Joshua Wine is the Director of Bands at Auburn Junior High School in Auburn, Alabama. He joins the show to share helpful insights to programming for your band, as well as specific examples that he has had success with.
Suggested Repertoire for Developing Band
GBDPlaylists of Programming Examples
The Growing Band Director Podcast Composer Interview Series (30 videos)
Concert Repertoire (20 videos)
Jazz Repertoire (10 videos)
Festival Repertoire Grades 1-2 (8 videos)
Festival Repertoire Grades 3-5 (3 videos) To gain access to all show notes and audio files please Subscribe to the podcast and consider supporting the show on Patreon - using the button at the top of
Our mission is to share practical advice and explore topics that will help every band director, no matter your experience level, as well as music education students who are working to join us in the coming years.
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