In this episode of The ICHE Podcast, ICHE Managing Editor, Lindsay MacMurray, interviews Kali VanLangen, Lisa Dumkow, Katie Axford, and Andrew Jameson about their study, “Evaluation of a multifaceted approach to antimicrobial stewardship education methods for medical residents.” Listeners should note that this article is available for Journal CME. Go to and browse the Course Catalog for Journal CME 2019 to quickly and easily earn your credits. All Journal CME is free for SHEA members. Then, Paula Strassle discusses her article, “Incidence and risk factors of non–device-associated urinary tract infections in an acute-care hospital.” And lastly, Richard Martinello and James Arbogast discuss their article, “Nursing preference for alcohol-based hand rub volume.” Listen and learn more about the research they conducted, why it's important to ICHE readers, and what future research questions they'd like to see answered.