If you want to feel better, help yourself or someone else.
We've read about celebrities who have committed suicide because they did not feel fulfilled despite having riches, fame and a massive level of variety and excitement.
One key reason people get into depressed states or commit suicide is that they don't fulfill their need for growth and contribution.
These needs give a person's life meaning and enhance the feeling of joy and realization. We've all experienced these emotions at some level, even if it was brief. We feel connected and feel an inner harmony when we were meeting these needs.
When we are growing and contributing, we feel we are doing something meaningful, whether it's for ourselves or others. Think about what makes you happy; it will have an element of growth or contribution in it.
This is part three of a four-part series of the six human needs framework. This framework will help you understand, with greater clarity, why people do what they do. It will also help you change your behaviour and help others do the same.
It has helped so many of my colleagues, medical learns, and patients, and they have found it one of the most important things they've ever learned.
Why? Because six human needs psychology helps us understand our decisions and behaviours, which then helps us develop awareness about the choices we are making. So often we are unaware of why we do what we do. I've used this to help individuals improve their relationships with their partner, "troubled teenager," improve their financial situations, change a habit, and so much more. The best part is that it is a profoundly simple framework that helps create change.
I promise you these lessons are critical in understanding human behaviour. I've broken it up into four episodes because the lessons in each are valuable and profound. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Everyone must meet these needs, and as you'll see, we meet them in different ways.
Welcome to The Introverted Doctor, the podcast that uncovers myths, mistakes, and misconceptions that hold healthcare professionals back from living their best life at work, home, and play. Each week, Dr. Lalit Chawla will present tips and strategies that you can begin applying right away! He's a full-time Family Physician, Adjunct Professor of Medicine, International Lecture and Writer.
In his former life, he was a professional Illusionist and still uses his skills in his workshops, lectures and in the clinical setting. He incorporates magic and illusions in his lectures and teaches healthcare professionals how to use magic in a clinical setting and in the rehabilitation setting.