Top news stories affecting the Church:
Gender transition poses ‘serious and irreversible damage’ to kids, top psychiatrist warns
Bishop Malone: “This could be the end for me as bishop . . . It could force me to resign.”
These 10 restaurants and stores want customers to leave their guns at home
Megachurch pastor, mental health advocate Jarrid Wilson dies by suicide
Gender transition poses ‘serious and irreversible damage’ to kids, top psychiatrist warnsAll stories are available at
Today, dads-to-be are almost twice as likely to prefer a daughter to a son. This is a major shift from the previous generations and other countries that still rely on a muscle versus mental workforce.
Today, young men between twenty-five and thirty-one are 66 percent more likely than their female counterparts to be living with their parents.
In a Book About Boys, Why Discuss Men? - because men are the role models who either offer your son structure and inspiration, or leave him rudderless and depressed.
Heroic Intelligence - You may have heard of emotional intelligence because we are exposed everyday to the female imperative, but you may not have heard of heroic intelligent
Male Deaths/Suicide - Mass shootings has tripled since 2011.[1] We blame allot of factors on this statistic like guns, violence on tv, video games, and dimishing family values. All of these may be factors in these shoot but is it really the fundamental issue our boys face? Our daughters live in the same homes, with the same access to the same guns, video games, and media, and are raised with the same family values. Our daughters are not killing. Our sons are. [2]
[1] Amy P. Cohen, Deborah Azrael, and Matthew Miller, “Rate of Mass Shootings Has Tripled Since 2011, Harvard Research Shows,” Mother Jones, October 15, 2014,
[2]Farrell, PhD, Warren. The Boy Crisis (p. 15). BenBella Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
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Genesis: In the Beginning
Genesis: The Tower and FloodTruth Bomb Resources on Facebook: Truth Bombs Apologetics
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