Buckle up! In this episode, Rachel shares current research and expert opinion on how to best respond if you are a bystander or victim to a bodily emergency. Rachel discusses when to give CPR, who to help first in a car crash, what to look for with drowning survivors, and how to respond when someone is choking.
Order of topics: Heart attack, seizure, Diabetic emergency, choking, car accident/shock, drowning, stroke, gunshot wound, alcohol poisoning, overdose, and the ABC's of CPR.
Disclaimer: This episode does not assume the role or responsibility of a CPR training/certification, and information should be utilized at the listener's discretion. This episode is designed to be an educational tool to inform listeners of the basics of emergency preparedness. The millennial toolbox podcast is not liable for any actions of its listeners including actions that cause injury or death. That said, all information was gathered from credible websites such as Mayo Clinic, cdc.gov, and redcross.org.
Music: Stayin Alive by the Bee Gee's