If we started considering ingredients in the food we buy, the less build up of disease we would encounter.
It's not just about calories in vs calories out.
That's beginner knowledge and something that has been being pushed within the fitness industry for over a decade + now.
To add to this, it's not even about macros (protein, carb, fat).
This is again another form of beginner knowledge, that actually has a use for learning to portion size/control what you eat, but not solving the crisis at hands, which I discuss below.
What I see is a problem concerning the actual ingredient source you are unaware of when you purchase something from a grocery store or fast food location.
Did you know that almost all restaurants choose the cheaper option and cook with poor quality vegetable oils because it saves them more money?
Did you know that almost all packaged goods use preservatives to allow the survival of the product?
Did you know that the 'citric acid' labeled on the ingredient list of most products is a form of black mold that is used as a cheaper option?
Did you know that most olive oils on the market are not even oil oil and are in fact a combination of lower quality vegetable oils, combined with poor quality olive oil?
Did you know that almost all honey found in a commercial grocery store is in fact fake and substituted with other syrups like corn/rice.
Did you know that most water contains flouride (A neurotoxin), which is designed to damage and slow down your liver from functioning at an optimal level, preventing the processing of nutrients from food you consume?
Did you know that MSG has over 20 different names that are used to mask the use of this ingredient, which can over stimulate the brain and can increase the total headaches and excessive stimulation of nerve cells?
Did you know that most sport supplements and protein bars/cookies contain sweeteners like 'sucralose' that are used as a cheaper option vs something like stevia.
Here's my reason for listing these.
Take the time to address the food you eat.
Spend the time reading into the labels and take notes.
And then, self educate by researching unknown ingredients on the internet for what they are and how they help/damage the body.
You may actually be surprised to realize that you don't need a coach to teach you 'nutrition' and instead, you need to self educate, so that you are more health conscious when deciding to buy a meal that wasn't prepared by you.
Most coaches don't know these things are are unaware of what is actually going on in the world of food globally.
My prediction in trends for the coaching industry is a process/system to educate why almost all food we buy is actually killing us faster than we know it and how we can learn the truth about what is actually in the food we are told to eat by commercial food industries.
Umzu does this.
Designs For Health does this
Dr. Axe does this
Naturopathic doctors do this.
And many many more that offer this.
I've spent 3 years focusing time into learning what the body needs to survive and to function at the same time (Given my actual deficiencies and health concerns that are unique). There is quite a lot of hidden information out there that can give you direct answers to the bodily problems you face today.
You may want to read books and articles.
You may want to look into research that supports an idea or claim.
You may want to ask experts in the right area, questions that concern you over an issue you are facing.
You may want to experiment and learn by adding/removing what you feel upsets you.
And don't forget to realize that your attention to detail can bring forth the awareness you require to shift your reduction in crisis of health.
In a world where the obesity, depression, anxie