Patrick French, a multiple participant on Discover Channel's Naked and Afraid, an expert in survival, backpacker holding 11 crowns, 23 different thru hikes with over 21k miles under his belt... joins Joey on the podcast for a conversation about surving and thriving in the Outdoors.
What a different look on life! What a completely different attitude to have after battling and surviving in the ultimate of harsh conditions!
Patrick shares about his times out in the wild, what he carries, how he plans, how he prepares (that was a shocker), and what he has going forward from here. What is left to do and what can we learn from such a person who has lived through it all with clothes and without?
For more podcasts, blogs, videos, and gear reviews plus a rundown and behind the scenes of everything check out
Thank you for tuning in! NO pro's (well except for Patrick) just BRO's (he definitely a bro too!) Here we go!