IN WHICH we learn what "Gammon," "Heavers," "High Gloaks," "Bounceable Cyprians," and "Boners of Stiff-Ones" meant in 1830 ...
THEN — Colonel Jeffery and his friend Captain Rathbone actually watch a wealthy out-of-town customer enter Sweeney Todd’s shop and never come out. The colonel almost decides to investigate by being shaved there, but luckily his friend restrains him. ...
Tobias, in the madhouse, starts shrieking for help and thereby meets Mr. Watson, the jailer, who cows him into silence with a whip. ...
Fogg, the madhouse keeper, brings a senile old doctor in to inspect the madhouse, and Tobias appeals to him for help, but it doesn’t work, and the only result is that Tobias gets himself into a great deal of trouble with Messrs. Fogg and Watson. ...
Then, leaving him awaiting their vengeance, we return to Colonel Jeffery; Captain Rathbone introduces him to Sir Richard Blunt, a police magistrate, who starts looking into the case of Sweeney Todd’s missing customers.