J.R. explores one of his coaching tools: the Inner Compass. Using a compass rose, this resource helps leaders assess where they are currently, what is most important to them, as well as notice and acknowledge the new possibilities, as well as name the doors or opportunities that are closing in this season.
-North: your guiding light.
-South: your southern light.
-East: your rising sun.
-West: your setting sun.
Each direction holds several questions for personal reflection.
. . .
Coaching is THE MOST SIGNIFICANT WAY leaders can grow in their leadership. Interested in kicking the tires for a free exploratory coaching call? Just visit http://www.kairospartnerships.org/coaching to schedule your call today.
And if you are wanting to grow in your leadership, the best way to do that is to participate in a leadership assessment process. That’s what we offer at KP. For more information contact J.R. at [email protected]
**Resilient Leaders is produced by the incredibly gifted Joel Limbauan. Check out his great video and podcast work at On a Limb Productions: www.onalimbproductions.com