Do you need an office or a stage?
Most of us have settled into a new work routine from home. The early jitters have mostly settled themselves down and based on my very unscientific research which is almost entirely based on personal conversations with friends and clients, we seem to like it this way – working from home that is.
We like it, our staff likes it and our clients like it too.
We have all discovered the benefits of avoiding a commute, feeling fresher and having a little more control of our 9-5 existence. As it happens, it is good for us to go for a walk, or tour the garden between our tasks and if we can do so in our favourite baggy pants vs a suit, then even better.
Of course, now we’re wondering if we need an office at all? Why not just keep it this way and save the expense and hassle?
Respectfully this is the wrong question to ask. The question isn’t “Do I need an office?” The question is “Do I need a stage?”
And how you answer that depends on what kind of work you think you do. If you sell stuff such as products and services then probably you don’t need an office becaue if all you are going to do is sell stuff then the value you can bring your client is convenience. Save them some time.
But if you are in the business of changing your lives and guiding transformations then you need a stage, not an office.
What happens on stages? Events. Events that inspire, captivate and engage us. Stage experiences that your clients can’t miss. Make sure your meetings are events that people look forward to and talk about.
Business done in an office. Transformation happens at the Theatre.
Thank you,
Dennis Moseley-Williams